- Experienced Traffic Attorneys Fight Tickets, DWI, Driving While Suspended/Revoked Charges and More
I hereby retain the GUERRA LAW FIRM and 888-TRAFFIC LLC as my attorneys on the traffic ticket and/or the legal matter for which I am currently paying, and only on that ticket or legal matter. This contract does not include the filing of and handling of an appeal, if necessary. I hereby agree to pay the agreed flat fee for such services to be performed by the GUERRA LAW FIRM.
I understand that my attorneys are being hired for this legal matter ONLY and that to the extent there are other legal matters pending in this, or any other court, I am not retaining my attorneys on such matters at this time, absent formal retention and payment for legal services on such matter, unless a payment and/or legal services arrangement is made in writing.
It is understood that this fee is fixed and non-refundable upon execution of this Employment Contract, as indicated by clicking on this box.
I understand that in the event of complex and serious legal matters, including misdemeanors and felonies, I may be responsible for the payment of out-of-pocket expenses, fees and costs, which may include and are not limited to expenses for, expert services and reports, copying charges, travel, private investigators, and filing fees. My attorneys agree to account to me for all such expenditures. In the event my attorneys advance any moneys for expenses, fees or costs, I agree to reimburse them upon demand.
This is a fixed non-refundable fee agreement and client understands that the fee is earned upon acceptance of employment by attorneys due to the firm agreeing and committing to provide the legal services and resources necessary for representation of client; the extent of the anticipated services required which must be scheduled in advance; the likelihood that acceptance of this employment may preclude employment by firm attorneys in other cases; and the complexity of issues that may arise in such representation.
Client agrees to notify attorneys immediately of:
a) any change in address;
b) any change in telephone numbers (cell, home, work);
c) any change in client's employment status;
d) any encounter with law enforcement authorities including questioning, arrest, or criminal charges filed;
I authorize my attorneys to notify me of any recommendation, plea agreement or fine in any one of the following ways: U.S. Mail to last known address, email to address provided, text message or verbally. I further authorize communication for additional and/or future needed or potentially needed services by these methods and such advertising as my attorneys deem appropriate to keep me apprised of legal issues of the day.