Simple and Fair Pricing for Eureka Speeding Tickets and Other Moving Violations, Eureka DWI, Driving While Suspended/Revoked Charges and More
When you need legal help and serious legal representation, there is only one place to turn. At, we guarantee that our prices will be competitive with any in the St Louis Metropolitan area, yet the convenience and quality of service is second to none. Simply call us at 1-888-TRAFFIC, fill out the contact form or text us photos of your ticket to (314)TICKETS letting us know the charges & we will immediately get back to you with a price quote - - no hidden charges or added fees. Eureka Traffic Ticket & DWI Lawyer Fees and Prices:
- Eureka Speeding & Other Moving Violations from $50
- Recall a Eureka Warrant $50
- Driving While Suspended
- Already reinstated $150
- Eligible for Reinstatement Now $250
- Eligible for Reinstatement Soon or not eligible Call for Price - Eureka DWI (Driving While Intoxicated)
- 1st Offense from $500
- 2nd Offense from $1000
- 3rd or more Call for pricing
- DWI Administrative Hearing from $500 - Eureka Minor in Possession $250
(Discount for multiple friends from same incident) - Possession of Controlled Substance/Drug Paraphernalia from $250
Additional discounts apply when there are multiple charges arising from the same event
At, we strive to provide the absolute best legal representation at a price anyone can afford. is a full service law firm and know that a satisfied client will come back to us for all their future legal needs, be in another traffic matter, an automobile accident claim, or a serious products liability matter involving catastrophic injury of death. Traffic matters are handled affordably for our clients as we strive to build relationships which will last many years into the future. We'll work with you on price and terms to make things affordable.
Call or contact us for a free consultation and price quote, for real legal representation by a firm you can trust.